Azure Fundamentals Certification Study thoughts

Monday, 4 September 2023 at 13.50
(Edited: 04/09/2023, 14.43)
You will cry if you care about privacy lmao
2 minute read

So I wanted to get a Microsoft Azure certification. I decided to start from the simplest one: AZ-900 - Azure Fundamentals

So I was all happy going through the 3 modules on offer:

Learning about the features I never thought I even needed, took the training exam like 3 times and got 100% right on the 3rd. I felt like I was ready to enroll on the proper exam.

-9000 social credit

But then I go into the Pearson Vue site, ready to submit my enrollment. But I got...Spooked.

  • First one was that I had to take pictures of the room I was taking the exam in and my setup.

    • I understand why you'd do this and I might be fine with it.

      • But not at home. I don't want some Microsoft bozo look at my room.

      • So I would have to take the exam somewhere else...

    • Not a deal breaker, per se, but it definitely made things harder now. I would have to go to the living room with my laptop, where it was more "tidy".

  • Second was the BIG ONE: By enrolling you would accept that Pearson Vue would train their Face ID model with your goddamn face and ID card

    • Bro...

    • Obviously, they did "offer" an option to opt-out, but guess what: It's not a simple checkbox, that would just group you with people who don't want them to train their Chinese spyware. You have to "contact support"

    • Lemme say that again: You need to manually contact support that you don't want them to use machine learning on your face and ID card.

No thanks Microsoft...

So I backed out. I really wanted to get the certification, but they REALLY made me not want to take the exam... Remotely, that is.

I am willing to take an exam ON SITE, but the problem is of course the location and the scheduling. So I think I will just go through the learning modules and put some screenshots to prove I went through them...

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