Here are demos of trying out all the frameworks Astro supports.

They are simple commponents with some reactivity to test how they handle.

  • Svelte logo


    Svelte was voted for the most admired JS web framework in a Stackoverflow survey. It is lightweight, performant and straightforward to use, unlike React in many ways. The bundle size is also small.

    This website mainly uses Svelte components as it’s the most intuitive feeling framework I’ve tried.

    Check here
  • Vue.js logo


    Vue is a popular truly reactive framework. It is very scalable, from small hobby sites (like this one) to enterprise products. It has a vast ecosystem of libraries and apps. Vue also intelligently optimizes the code when it compiles.

    Check here
  • Preact logo


    Preact is basically React, but with only a 3kB bundle size. It makes it much faster than normal React, as all that bloat is cut out, yet still retaining that React bullshit familiarity. Compatible with React ecosystem which is huge.

    Check here
  • Preact logo


    Alpine.js is a lightweight framework that composes directly in the markup. It’s similar to HTMX, but possible bit better for bigger applications. It should also be compatible too.

    🚧 WIP 🚧
  • Solid.js logo


    Solid is a framework designed for speed. It is one of the most performant reactive frameworks around (faster than everything on this list), very comparable to Astro. The ecosystem isn’t that big yet, however. Small bundle size.

    🚧 WIP 🚧

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