About Me

... and my horribly bad, no good website!

About me

Here are a few facts about me:

My name is Erik. I live in Finland and I am a Web & ML Developer. My education specilizes in AI and data engineering.

This website is a combination of a webdev portfolio, a testing grounds, a blog, and a hosting site for my upcoming webcomics.

I am adding more and more basic functionalities, like user profiles, comments, ratings, etc. I do not expect much traffic (can really only afford free tiers of PaaS lmao), so all of it is mainly a portfolio.

My engineering skills are:

  • Python
    • ML & AI (Tensorflow, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, cv2)
    • Data processing (Pandas, numpy)
    • Visualization (matplotlib, seaborn)
    • Testing (Robot Framework)
  • JavaScript & Typescript
  • HTML & CSS
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Node.js
  • Astro
  • HTMX
  • Redux
  • C++ & C#
  • RaspberryPI & ESP32
  • SQL & NoSQL & PostgresSQL
  • Git & Github/Gitlab
  • Microsoft Azure Functions, Storage & AzureML
  • Writing Docs

My hobbies are:

  • Palm reading
  • Reading Wikipedia
  • Drawing
  • Writing fiction
  • Writing Youtube comments
  • Playing vidya
  • Shitposting
  • Doing a little bit of trolling
  • Playing guitar
  • Riding EUC (Electric Unicycle)
    • Begode Master v2 (Now serviced by Voltride!)
    • Gotway (Begode) MCM 5 v2

Tech stack


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

0.4.13 (2023-11-20)

0.4.12 (2023-11-11)

0.4.11 (2023-11-11)

9.9.10 (2023-11-11)

9.9.9 (2023-11-11)


  • testing out standard-version (f86ba4d)
  • testing out standard-version (91b94ec)

Bug Fixes

  • to see if version number increases (dd1c6f5)

0.4.1 (2023-11-11)


  • testing out standard-version (f86ba4d)

Bug Fixes

  • to see if version number increases (dd1c6f5)

Refresh counter test =